The village of Bureau has a colorful train history, which is why the official name of the village is  Bureau Junction - it's a place on the train line where more than one train line comes together and trains can switch to another track to go in a different direction.

Today it is a quiet little place, with one bar downtown, and of course the Public Library.

It is on the Hennepin Canal Parkway, and has a large parking area at the edge of town which provides room for folks to unload bicycles and/or fishing gear, for a nice outdoor experience.

Friends of the Hennepin Canal site

Here are a few links for other sites where you can read a bit about Bureau, Illinois:

Bureau Junction on the Bureau County, U.S. site

Wikipedia entry 

Profile for Bureau Junction, Illinois

"Bureau Junction - The City of Side Tracks"   

(from the Henry Republican, Henry, IL - articles from the 1800's)


More than once over the years, Bureau has been the place where a steam engine excursion trip has come to turn around at the "wye" (intersection) and head back to its point of origin. Here are some videos made by people during one such visit in a recent year.



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