Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 10, 2010
Hello, all, hope your holiday season is going well.

Here at the library I've put up the little Christmas tree, and lights in the window, and I'm hoping my patrons and library friends will come in and check out the holiday books section - maybe you'll find some good ideas for gifts or entertaining.

We have another recent addition to our reference section! A full 20-volume set of "How it works - Science and Technology" was recently donated by the Lemont Public Library District. This is a lovely set, and should be very useful for both younger and older patrons. Very easy to understand, with nice short summary-type articles.

Hope to see you all over the holidays, and may you have a peaceful and happy season.

Great New Addition to the Library!

September 8, 2010
We now have our own bathroom! It's just been finished, and is working fine.

SO happy about this, I can't tell you. :)

Now I can attempt to continue with rearrangement plan I've had on the drawing board for the last year.

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Catching up on this and that...

July 16, 2010
Recent budget cuts and shortages have caused some changes in our library system, PALS (Prairie Area Library System).

As I understand it, the system will be merging with all other library systems in the state of Illinois, to form one statewide system. (with the exception of Chicago, who will still have their own separate setup.)

Sadly, we've also lost the assistance of several PALS people who used to make life much easier for us librarians. Most notable among these losses, to me, is that of Nanc...
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New Books

January 19, 2010
We've recently received a fairly large quantity of books from the Utica Public Library. Many of them are very new, printed in 2008 or 2009.

Come on in and check them out - many popular authors.

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New Encyclopedia Set!

November 13, 2009
On Tuesday, Nov. 10, my lovely sometimes-assistant Jill and I drove to Menoka (just east of Joliet) to pick up a set of the Encyclopedia Britannica for our library.

This beautiful set was donated free of charge by the Menoka Public Library when they recently received a new set. Many thanks to Nancy Baker at Menoka for sifting through the many emails sent to her and deciding to let us have it - I guess I was the first to submit a request, so we got it.

Come in and look it over - the volumes are ...
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